Tuesday 29 December 2009

In light of all troubled souls

The calm and constant coming and going of the sea keeps licking my toes. I stand there as the sun has started its decent deep into the horizon. The endless mass of water that spreads in front of me sparkles, light reflecting, twisting within the quiet ripples, painting them gold, a flock of golden sparrows flying low in front of my eyes. My soul opens up, flying far into her own horizon, her eyes wandering without rest, my breath relaxed like the cool wave that touches my feet, the ever rhythmical sound filling my ears.

And like an open ended hourglass, the millions of sand particles that make up my everyday life disperse into the air, leaving my mind empty, looking at the cloud of dust that travels, weakening as it moves further away from me.

The sun has set and the sky clings to its last brief moments of daylight, a daily journey of colours from golden yellow to white grey, to hues of violet splattering across, mingled with bright orange, until it goes all dark and the images disappear. If I could cry I would, my heart swells with a whirlwind of feelings amidst the relentless summer heat that has rubbed into my skin like permanent ink, I could feel it trickling down the length of my spine, tracing my hairline next to my temples.

I gaze upon the darkness, little pricklings of light flickering above me, planets and moons look down on me and I feel small, really small, smaller than a sand particle in that hugeness that surrounds us. We are all really small with huge great problems, or so we think...I hope one day we’re all good, once we all turn our eyes up and gaze to a summer’s night sky, then we may all realise what we are, where we’re heading and what we need to do with that hourglass for life that we carry inside...

In light of all troubled souls...

buzz it!

Καινουργια αρχή...

Μετά απο απουσία δυο κοντά τριών χρόνων, ξαναβρέθηκα στο μπλόγκ μου. Σκεφτόμουν να σβήσω τα παλιά ποστς, όχι πως είναι πολλά, αλλά σκεφτόμουν καινουργια αρχή...στο τέλος είπα ας τα αφήσω...Απο δώ και στο μετέπειτα, τα περισσότερα ποστς μου θα είναι στα Αγγλικά. Ο λογος είναι πως ο γραπτός μου λόγος είναι καλύτερος στα Αγγλικά μιας και ζω τη μισή μου ζωή ως τώρα στη Σκωτία. Λοιπόν, καινουργια αρχή με το τέλος του 2009, και την αρχή του τέλους της πρώτης δεκαετίας της καινουργιας χιλιετίας...ποιός ξέρει τι μέλλει γενέσθαι στα χρόνια που έρχοντε...εύχομαι να τα βρουμε με τους εαυτους μας σαν κοινωνία σ'ολο το κόσμο, όχι μόνο στην Ελλάδα...

buzz it!